
A guide to modify the website.

The configuration is stored in _config.yml. You can play with dark and light themes in the “Theme” section on line 27.

layout: page # Always page layout
permalink: /publications/  #link within main website
title: publications   # title of the webpage
description: write description
nav: true # whether to put this webpage on the nevigation bar.
nav_order: 1 # this number tells position of the webpage in the top navigation bar.

Adding assets

All the assets are avialable at /assets. You can add image in img folder.


This theme is set up to use Font Awesome icons and Academicons, like the ones below. Add your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, or just disable all of them.

Social integration

All the social media links can put in Social integration at line 67 in the config file.

Adding publication

Here is a nice template. Altmetric is also supported by it is a paid service. Add these bib entries at _bibliography/papers.bib.

  bibtex_show={true}, # show copyable bib entry
  title={EnKF data-driven reduced order assimilation system},
  author={Liu, C and Fu, R and Xiao, D and Stefanescu, R and Sharma, P and Zhu, C and Sun, S and Wang, C},
  journal={Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements},
  preview={enkf.jpg}, # a preview image/gif
  abstract={This work presents a new predictive data assimilation framework based on a data-driven reduced order model (DDROM). The DDROM is constructed using an Auto-Encoder and a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks. The Auto-Encoder is used to project the high-dimensional dynamics into a lower-dimensional space, which can be referred as a latent space. Then, LSTM deep learning method is used to construct a number of response functions to represent the fluid states and dynamics in the latent space. A data assimilation framework based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) and DDROM model is then proposed. A demonstration of the capabilities of this data assimilation system is illustrated by two test cases including the 2D Burgers equation and the flow past a cylinder governed by NavierStokes equations.},
  html={}, # link to the article 
  doi={10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.02.016}, # necessary for citations count
  selected={false}, # whether to shows on the home page
  dimensions={true}, # citations count

Add repository details

Edit the _data/repositories.yml and change the github_users and github_repos lists to include your own GitHub profile and repositories. Disable GitHub trophies in repo_trophies at line 33.

Turn of related_blog_post

There is a bug in the online deployment. Just follow this.